Regular attendance is extremely important for children's education. Missed days and tardiness means your child will not be receiving complete instruction in important areas of the curriculum. Please make every effort to have your children in school on time each day. Please do not schedule any activities or events (trips, doctor's visits, etc.) involving your child during the school day. If your child will need to arrive late due to a medical appointment, please bring verification of the appointment to school. Three unexcused absences will result in a Student Attendance Review Team meeting which can result in referral to the District Attorney.
Attendance - School.. Every Day Counts
Call in your child's absence:
Parents must call the Attendance Office DAILY when their child is absent @ 890-3945 ext 74102
When leaving a message, please provide the following information:
1. Student’s full / legal name. Spell last name.
2. Date of absence.
3. Reason for absence (illness, doctor appt., etc.)
4. Name and daytime phone number of person calling, and the person’s relationship to the student, (mother, father, guardian, grandparent, etc.)
Thank you for your cooperation!
Los padres deben llamar a la oficina de asistencia al día cuando su hijo va a estar ausente @ 890-3945 ext 74102
Al dejar un mensaje, por favor suministrar los siguientes datos:
1. Nombre legal completo del estudiante. Deletrear el apellido.
2. Fecha de la ausencia.
3. Razón por la ausencia (enfermedad, cita médico., Etc.)
4. Nombre y número de teléfono diurno de la persona que llama, y la relación de la persona para el estudiante, (madre, padre, tutor, abuelo, etc.)