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News & Announcements


Pathways School

Environmental Education

We are a committed Environmental Education Pathways School presented through SEEC. With the help of the Sonoma Environmental Education Collaborative (SEEC), we are working with over 5 partner organizations to create connected learning across all grades. This means that we are offering our students in every grade, hands-on outdoor education experiences that build upon each other-- bringing the classroom out into nature! Whether it is learning about our local watershed, habitats, or climate change, our students are gaining the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to become the next generation of stewards!

To learn more about SEEC and the Pathways Project, head over to their website! Pathways Project - Sonoma Environmental Education Collaborative (

Steele Lane Elementary Exterior

About Us

Our Campus

At Steele Lane Elementary we believe that all students can learn.

Each student is a valued individual with unique physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs.

The development of our curriculum, design of instructional activities, and the use of assessment measures are focused on providing learning opportunities and feedback systems that enable students to achieve success.

Students need to not only develop a deep understanding of essential knowledge and skills, but also need to develop the capacity to apply their learning, and to reason, solve problems, and produce quality work.

The goal of our educational programs is to prepare students to become contributing members of society.

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